Sunday, May 31, 2020

Red jewel Cichlid With Babies

Red jewel Cichlid With Babies
Red jewel Cichlid With Babies Breeding the Jewel Fish (Ruby Cichlid) There are several different species of Jewel Fish; all are very beautiful but aggressive members of the cichlid family. Jewel Fish will attack its own species as well as any other fish, no matter the size, when in breeding season and while rearing their fry. Therefore, for purposes of breeding, the Jewel Fish should be kept in a separate aquarium, set up and maintained for just the needs of this species. As a first or second breeding experience, this fish is worth the trouble: it is easy to breed, and the mated pair do all the work of fry rearing. When not in breeding season, the Jewel Fish is a dull olive color overall, with three black dots on its sides. However, when it wears courting colors the Jewel Fish is absolutely beautiful. In breeding season, the head and belly turn a fiery red and the scales on the flanks and gill-plates sparkle like blue-green jewels. All the fins are edged with brilliant red and shine profusely with blue-green spots. The black dot in the center of the body disappears entirely when a pair of Jewel fish are ready to lay eggs. To tell the difference between the sexes, look for a plump female: when in breeding condition the female will be full of roe (eggs). The male is even more jeweled than the female, particularly in the regions of the gill-plates, the flanks, and the tail fin. His is not necessarily the brightest red however; indeed, at times the female is so brilliant that the uninitiated might consider her to be the male. 02 of 04 Basic Behavior of the Jewel Fish in Breeding Seasion Jewel Fish guarding its eggs Thomas Reich The Jewel Fish, is an open water spawner, which means it looks for a place to dig holes for spawning activities. Once a male and female have bonded, they form a definite partnership and will kill others of their species if given the chance during the breeding and fry raising process. Unlike other cichlid species from Africa, the duties of egg care and fry raising are split evenly between the two very attentive parents. The young fish are cared for even when they are well able to go out on their own. Sometimes the family will stay together until the fry are almost ready to reach sexual maturity. A cichlid lover will get great pleasure out of the Jewel Fish, especially when a well-matched pair devotes themselves unreservedly to caring for their brood. For months, they may be observed guiding their offspring around the tank, showing off their splendid coloring during the entire process. Feeding a Breeding Pair: Care of this species is not difficult. They are not choosy about food but must be provided ample live and frozen protein-rich foods before and during the spawning and fry raising period. After three weeks, the fry will greedily accept anything they are offered, but for fastest growth continue feeding at least some fresh or frozen baby brine shrimp for the protein. A full belly is a healthy belly with any growing cichlid, so feeding should be often. Water Conditions: The Jewel fish is not particularly choosy about pH or hardness within reason since they are flood-plain dwellers in nature. However, these fish must be provided an efficient filter system, to ensure clear and clean water at all times. It is also important to maintain a steady temperature from 78 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit for breeding to take place. 03 of 04 Hardness: 120 – 150 ppm (mg/L) is ideal, but they are a relatively forgiving species so close is good enough. Temperature: 79–82 degrees Fahrenheit Subscribe My Youtube Channel :: Bast Power HeadFilter Tank :: Some Fishesh Survive Without Oxygen :: 2 Feet Tank For FlowerHorn :: Fish Aquarim Heater Glass Crack :: Dont Repate 3 Mistake :: Aquarim Internal And Extrnal Filter :: Aquarim Heater Set 30 :: Dont Flow Filter Pressure :: Fresh Water Aquarim Live Plant :: Aquarim Ka Temparture Ketna Ho :: HelpFul Bactera Breeding :: #Redjewelcichlid #Jewelfishbabies #jewelfishbreeding ==================FOLLOW ME================

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