Friday, September 13, 2019

2 Female African Cichlids Give 100+ Babies 1 Time ( Good Progress ) Urdu and Hindi

2 Female African Cichlids Give 100+ Babies 1 Time ( Good Progress ) Urdu and Hindi
2 Female African Cichlids Give 100+ Babies 1 Time ( Good Progress ) Urdu and Hindi Cichlids are one of the largest family of freshwater fishes, containing over 2,000 different species. Not only are these fish colorful and entertaining, but they are also relatively easy to breed in captivity – some breed readily with little to no effort on the part of the aquarium hobbyist! Breeding cichlids can be both entertaining and educational due to their unique breeding practices -- mouth-brooding varieties are especially interesting as their process of spawning is so unusual. Typical mouth brooders include yellow labs, red zebras, yellow-tailed acei, and other Lake Malawi cichlids. While most mouth brooders are found in Lake Malawi, some are found in Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria as well. This article will discuss the overall process of mouth brooding and will offer several suggestions to successfully hatching African cichlid fry. What is Mouth Brooding? Mouth brooding refers to the fact that the female incubates her eggs in her mouth. After the female releases the eggs and the male fertilizes them, she gathers them carefully in her mouth. The eggs will remain inside the female’s mouth until they hatch into fry. Additionally, the female will allow the fry to enter and exit her mouth for a period of time after they hatch due to protective concerns. However, once they reach a certain size, the female stops letting them enter her mouth. The Courting Process The courting process may vary slightly for different species but it is very similar in most species of mouth-brooding cichlid. Typically, the male cichlid will be relentless during the courting process -- he will consistently chase the females around the tank. He will also attempt to lure the female back to a flat rock or sandy spawning area he has dug out by shaking his entire body in a seizure-like fashion. If the female ignores his behavior, she is chased away. If she accepts it, then they proceed to the spawning area. Once at the spawning site, the female and male will swim around in circles and she will be enticed to lay her eggs. Once she lays the eggs, she immediately tries to scoop them up in her mouth. The male has egg spots on his anal fin. He will shake these spots to make the female think they are some of her eggs that she missed. She will open her mouth behind him and try to scoop up his “fake eggs”. He will then fertilize the eggs in her mouth. This encircling process will continue for around an hour. After the mating, the female will have a mouthful of fertilized eggs. Her jaw will look very bloated and it is easy to tell that she is holding (the term used to describe the process of a female carrying her eggs in her mouth). Subscribe My Channel :: Subscribe My New Channel ( Birds Life ) :: My Facebook Page :: My Gmail Address :: My Contact Number :: +92344 - 1530559 or +92344 - 3397567 My Whatsapp Group Link :: Fish Medicine & treatment :: Parrot Fish Care :: Cichlid Fish Breeding Tips :: Molly fish Breeding Tips :: Difference B/W Male & Female :: Aquarium Filters Details :: Flowerhorn Fish Care :: ===================FOLLOW ME==================

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