Friday, September 27, 2019

Aquarium Fish Medicine (Treat All Disease) Price Very Cheap Urdu and Hindi

Aquarium Fish Medicine (Treat All Disease) Price Very Cheap Urdu and Hindi
Aquarium Fish Medicine (Treat All Disease) Price Very Cheap Urdu and Hindi Freshwater Aquarium Disease Prevention, Recognition and Treatment Aquarium Disease Prevention and TreatmentHobbyists who take proper care of their aquariums will rarely encounter sick fish but there is no guarantee that you will never have to treat your fish for a disease. Almost all health problems can be avoided by maintaining proper water chemistry and pristine water quality, feeding a varied diet of high-quality fish foods, providing fish with an optimum habitat and suitable tank mates. Knowing how to prevent diseases as well as being able to recognize and treat problems before they become unmanageable will ensure years of success and enjoyment with your aquarium. Keep reading to learn how to keep your fishhealthy, spot problems early and treat common fish diseases. Prevention Virtually all fish diseases can be traced to stress, which weakens their immune systems. Sources of stress include shipping, poor water quality, improper water chemistry, inadequate filtration, improper diet, overcrowding, leaving the light on 24/7, aggression from other fish and inadequate habitat. To keep your fish in optimum health, perform regular partial water exchanges, be diligent about filter maintenance, feed your fish a varied and high-quality diet, don’t overstock your aquarium, and put the light on a timer to simulate a normal day/night cycle. When performing water exchanges, always treat tap water with a conditioner before adding it to your aquarium. Quarantine An effective way of maintaining a disease-free aquarium is to quarantine all new additions. While this may not be practical for every aquarist, it is well worth the investment for those who keep highvalue fish such as discus, rare fish or dedicated planted aquariums where the use of medications is not recommended. Quarantining new fish greatly reduces the chance of introducing a disease organism into your aquarium and allows you to safely treat sick fish if necessary, without introducing chemicals to your show tank. A quarantine aquarium can also be used to isolate bullies or fish that are being picked on. Ultra-violet Sterilizers Disease causing organisms exist in virtually every aquarium, but they will not infect fish if their numbers remain low and the fishes’ immune systems are functioning properly. Ultra-violet sterilizers kill disease-causing organisms as well as suspended algae and help keep water healthy and crystal clear. Recognition In order to recognize problems that may arise, it’s helpful to have an understanding of what “normal” appearance and behavior are for your fish. Observe your fish regularly – feeding time is a good opportunity to do this. Look for white spots, cloudy eyes, bloody patches, a white body film or torn, ragged fins. Also, there are certain things fish never (or at least very rarely) do. For example, fish do not normally gasp at the surface. They typically do this because of poor oxygenation, high nitrite levels, parasites, or damage to their gills. Other behaviors that are cause for concern include loss of color, shimmying, rubbing against decorations or the substrate, cowering, refusing food, or dashing around the aquarium. Diseases You can’t predict if or when your fish will get sick or what disease they might come down with, but it’s a good idea to be familiar with common ailments and their symptoms so you can quickly begin treatment if you think they may be infected. Being able to recognize problems and begin treatment early gives you the best chance of saving your fish! Subscribe My New Channel ( Birds Life ) :: My Facebook Page :: My Gmail Address :: My Contact Number :: +92344 - 1530559 or +92344 - 3397567 My Whatsapp Group Link :: Fish Medicine & treatment :: Parrot Fish Care :: Cichlid Fish Breeding Tips :: Molly fish Breeding Tips :: Difference B/W Male & Female :: Aquarium Filters Details :: Flowerhorn Fish Care :: ===================FOLLOW ME==================

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