Sunday, October 6, 2019

Beautiful And Rare Types of Guppies Fish Urdu And Hindi

Beautiful And Rare Types of Guppies Fish Urdu And Hindi
Beautiful And Rare Types of Guppies Fish Urdu And Hindi Different Type of Guppy Fish Species Guppy fish are part of the Poeciliidae family, which includes the following guppy fish species: 1. Poecilia Reticulata (Common / Fancy Guppy) common-guppy-fish Common / Fancy Guppy Fish Characterized by a wide global distribution and a popularity among aquarists, the common guppy fish is a hardy and adaptable livebearer that’s easy to breed and raise. They’re also known as rainbowfish and millionfish, because of their variety and propensity to breed quickly and in large numbers. 2. Poecilia Wingei (Endler Guppy) endler-guppy Endler Guppy Also known as Endler’s Livebearer and Endler Guppy, it’s a close relative of the common guppy so much so that they’ll easily crossbreed, therefore, if you want to maintain the purity of each species, you should not allow them to hybridize. Endler guppies are also strikingly colorful, easy to care for, and peaceful fish that will thrive on an omnivorous diet. Unlike the common guppy, Endler guppy fish aren’t as readily available in pet stores, although you may find some pet stores that carry them. 3. Micropoecilia Picta (Swamp Guppies) Unlike the other two types of guppies, the swamp guppy is not an exclusively freshwater fish, and can be found mostly in coastal swamps and brackish marshes. Swamp guppies are also called Scarlet Livebearer, they’re small fish that are native to Central and South America. They’re omnivores and they’re rarely found in home aquaria. Guppy Types by Tail Shape Based on their tail shape alone, we can distinguish around 13 types of guppy fish. This variety is the result of years of selective breeding, and the list is continuously expanding as breeders succeed in developing new varieties: guppy-fish-tail-shape Guppy Fish Tail Shape (source – CC BY-SA 4.0) Report this ad 1. Veiltail Veiltail guppies have a tail that resembles an isosceles trapezoid. The tail can be colored in a single color or multiple, pattern like colors. Dorsal and ventral fins are usually elongated and flowy. 2. Triangle-tail delta-tail-guppy Delta Tail Guppy Also known as the Delta tail guppy, their tail shape resembles a triangle. The triangle-tail guppy has an impressive tail size that’s beautifully colored or showcases interesting patterns. Dorsal fins are long and flowy, ventral fins are usually smaller. 3. Fantail Fantail guppies have elegant-looking tails that resemble an open fan. This tail type is actually typical of fancy guppies. Dorsal fins can be elongated, ventral fins are usually smaller. 4. Scarftail flag-tail-guppy Flag Tail Guppy The scarf-tail guppy is also known as the flag-tail guppy. This tail shape is much narrower on the edges compared to the other tail types I mentioned so far but remains just as impressive in terms of colors and patterns. 5. Double Swordtail double-swordtail-guppy Double Swordtail Guppy The double swordtail guppy has a unique tail shape that sets them apart from other guppy fish. It’s very similar to the tail of the swordtail fish, but instead of one elongated tail, the double swordtail guppy fish has two elongated tails shaped like a sword on either side of the tail base. 6. Top Swordtail Some swordtail guppies don’t feature double tails, instead the tail is elongated in only one edge like in the case of the top swordtail guppy With only one edge of the tail being elongated, it’s easy to see how these fish can resemble the swordtail fish. 7. Bottom Swordtail bottom-sword-tail-guppy Bottom Swordtail The bottom swordtail guppy is a mirrored version of the top swordtail guppy, since only the bottom edge of their tail is elongated. Subscribe My New Channel ( Birds Life ) :: My Facebook Page :: My Gmail Address :: My Contact Number :: +92344 - 1530559 or +92344 - 3397567 My Whatsapp Group Link :: Fish Medicine & treatment :: Parrot Fish Care :: Cichlid Fish Breeding Tips :: Molly fish Breeding Tips :: Difference B/W Male & Female :: Aquarium Filters Details :: Flowerhorn Fish Care :: ===================FOLLOW ME==================

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