Friday, October 4, 2019

Top 5 Easiest Aquarium Plants Easily Growth (Sand or Soil) Urdu and Hindi

Top 5 Easiest Aquarium Plants Easily Growth (Sand or Soil) Urdu and Hindi
Top 5 Easiest Aquarium Plants Easily Growth (Sand or Soil) Urdu and Hindi 5 Best Aquatic Plants For Sand Substrate Here are what we consider to be 5 of the best plants to go with, which will grow just fine in sand, or even just attached to some driftwood on top of the sand. 1. Amazon sword One of the best plants to go with for sand substrate is the Amazon sword plant. Now, what is interesting here is that the type of substrate used is not as important as the thickness of it. With large green leaves that can grow up to 16 inches tall at a moderate pace, it makes for a good plant for any tank that requires a lot of hiding spots. The large leaves do help to create some privacy. It can get fairly large if not properly maintained, so you do want to trim it on occasion. It needs the water temperature to be between 60 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5, and a water hardness level between 8 and 15 dGH. You can buy this plant on Amazon here 2. Hornwort When it comes to the best plants for sand, Hornwort is definitely at the top of the list. Hornwort is one of those aquarium plants that can float on the water’s surface, it can be planted in sand or gravel, and it can be tied to rocks or driftwood too. Keep in mind that hornwort grows extremely fast, up to 5 inches per week, and if left unchecked, the offshoots can grow up to 10 feet long, and they will grow in both height and width, or in other words, they will grow out and up toward the light. With that being said, it is very nice looking, with needle-like leaves, and it does create some decent hiding spots for fish as well. In terms of care, hornwort is quite easy to look after. You can buy this plant on Amazon here 3. Java fern Java fern is yet another plant that is ideal for sand. Alright, so what you need to know here is that the java fern does not like to be buried one bit. It features rhizomes instead of normal roots, and these do not do well if they are buried, whether in sand or gravel. You might be wondering why this plant is on the list. Well, it is because the java fern prefers to be tied down to rocks or driftwood. Well, every good aquarium that has sand as substrate is going to have some driftwood and/or rocks in it. Therefore, simply tie the java fern to some rocks or driftwood, right on the sand substrate, and it will do just fine. The java fern can grow to nearly 14 inches in height and it features fairly narrow and long leaves that come to a point, and these make for great hiding spots for fish. When it comes to the lighting needs of the java fern, low to moderate lighting will do just fine. You can buy this plant on Amazon here 4. Anubias Anubias is yet another plant that is more than ideal for really any kind of tank. Anubias feature long and skinny roots that do a great job at attaching themselves to more or less anything. Now, most people do prefer planting Anubias in gravel, as gravel is better for the roots, but it will do fine in sand as well. Really any kind of surface or substrate thick enough to allow the Anubias to form a good root system will do fine. This plant does fine in both low and moderately strong light, and it really does not require the addition of anything extra into the water. You can buy this plant on Amazon here 5. Java Moss Alright, so java moss is another one of these plants that is not the best when buried. In other words, it really does not prefer being buried in substrate, whether it be sand or gravel. However, as mentioned before, if you are using sand as substrate, you probably have a bunch of rocks and driftwood in your aquarium, which is where java moss shines. Subscribe My New Channel ( Birds Life ) :: My Facebook Page :: My Gmail Address :: My Contact Number :: +92344 - 1530559 or +92344 - 3397567 My Whatsapp Group Link :: Fish Medicine & treatment :: Parrot Fish Care :: Cichlid Fish Breeding Tips :: Molly fish Breeding Tips :: Difference B/W Male & Female :: Aquarium Filters Details :: Flowerhorn Fish Care :: ===================FOLLOW ME==================

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