Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Red jewel Breeder pair Add in 22 Gallon Aquarium

Red jewel Breeder pair Add in 22 Gallon Aquarium
Red jewel Breeder pair Add in 22 Gallon Aquarium Subscribe My Channel :: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCryeij_6WILbVGH_meYIKZg?sub_confirmation=1 My Facebook Page :: https://ift.tt/2N1UL4o My Gmail Address :: lalmughal51@gmail.com My Contact Number :: +92344 - 1530559 My Whatsapp Group Link :: https://ift.tt/2JHcAkz Fish Feeding Time :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4039Rrtc5ho Jewel Color Lite :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gb6FhbuowA Jewel male And Female :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N-eTlMgVA0 Jewel Fish Breeding :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viuZAl3Bc9A Red Jewel Breeding Progress :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx6_1GPTYQ4 Jewel Care :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1pJta4EHWU Jewel babies :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glkIQbcYlDw Jewel Breeding Tank :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws_AK4roMps Flowerhorn And parrot babies :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4lezoiG72k There are several different species of Jewel Fish; all are very beautiful but aggressive members of the cichlid family. Jewel Fish will attack its own species as well as any other fish, no matter the size, when in breeding season and while rearing their fry. Therefore, for purposes of breeding, the Jewel Fish should be kept in a separate aquarium, set up and maintained for just the needs of this species. As a first or second breeding experience, this fish is worth the trouble: it is easy to breed, and the mated pair do all the work of fry rearing. When not in breeding season, the Jewel Fish is a dull olive color overall, with three black dots on its sides. However, when it wears courting colors the Jewel Fish is absolutely beautiful. In breeding season, the head and belly turn a fiery red and the scales on the flanks and gill-plates sparkle like blue-green jewels. All the fins are edged with brilliant red and shine profusely with blue-green spots. The black dot in the center of the body disappears entirely when a pair of Jewel fish are ready to lay eggs. To tell the difference between the sexes, look for a plump female: when in breeding condition the female will be full of roe (eggs). The male is even more jeweled than the female, particularly in the regions of the gill-plates, the flanks, and the tail fin. His is not necessarily the brightest red however; indeed, at times the female is so brilliant that the uninitiated might consider her to be the male. The Jewel Fish, is an open water spawner, which means it looks for a place to dig holes for spawning activities. Once a male and female have bonded, they form a definite partnership and will kill others of their species if given the chance during the breeding and fry raising process. ank size: Recommended tank size of 30” X 15” X 15” or 29 gallons. This may seem like overkill, but with up to 200 surviving fry, space is needed for fry rearing. Hardness: 120 – 150 ppm (mg/L) is ideal, but they are a relatively forgiving species so close is good enough. Temperature: 79–82 degrees Fahrenheit It is strange that such an aggressive species as the Jewel Fish is one of the most docile and devoted of all freshwater fish parents. If it were not for their hostile disposition, this brightly colored fish would certainly be one of the most popular of the cichlid group and a staple in almost every community aquarium, right alongside the Angel Fish. Once you have a mated pair, getting them to breed will never be a problem, the problem is what to do with the fry. The Jewel Fish is the one cichlid that everyone admires for its beauty, but no one wants in a community aquarium. The parents will not eat their fry like so many other cichlids and will go on making more and more. Give this some thought before you begin, but the rewards of breeding this fish are unending. Especially, in a classroom situation, the Jewel Fish is ideal; the husbandry displayed will fill many class discussions about life in general. #Redjewelfish #jewelfishtank #Redjewelaquarium #redjewelin22gallontank #Redjewelcichlidfish ===================FOLLOW ME==================

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