Monday, June 8, 2020

Top 5 Hardy Fish Put in Small Size Aquarium (Care Level Very Easy)

Top 5 Hardy Fish Put in Small Size Aquarium (Care Level Very Easy)
Top 5 Hardy Fish Put in Small Size Aquarium (Care Level Very Easy) Subscribe My Channel :: My Facebook Page :: My Gmail Address :: My Contact Number :: +92344 - 1530559 My Whatsapp Group Link :: Easy Aquarium Plants :: Best Internal Filter :: Best Planted Fishes :: Pleco Fish care :: Cichlid fish Add in 1 feet Tank :: Types of flowerhorns :: Tinfin barb care :: Guppy Fish Easy Care :: 1. Neon Tetra Neon Tetra Swarm of Neon Tetras Neon Tetras are a small, easy to care for species. This popular aquarium species is often one of the first fish a beginner aquarist will buy. They reach around 2.2cm in length, and like to be kept in groups. Neon Tetras come in bright colors, and have an iridescent blue horizontal strip across their body (so they are visible in dark waters). They require soft, acidic water with tropical temperatures, and will accept most foods. 2. Guppies Guppy This colorful and lively fish is able to adapt to a variety of water conditions which is one of the reasons they are so popular. Males are much more colorful and vibrant than females, so if you’re not looking to breed, you may want to just keep males. The ideal water temperature for guppies is 50OF – 84 OF (10-29OC), but the most important factor is that the temperature is kept consistent. Mollies Black MolliesSave This small, peaceful species grow to around 3-4 inches, and adapt well to a variety of water conditions. The ideal tank conditions are: a minimum tank size of 20 gallons, and warm water with a pH between 7.0-7.8. Mollies are omnivorous, and will require a diet of both plant and animal food. Interestingly, they are livebearers, meaning they give birth to their young live, rather than lay eggs. Zebra Danios Zebrafish (Danio) The Zebra Danios make the perfect beginner fish, they are very easy to care for and can grow up to 5-7cm. They should be kept in at least a 10 gallon tank, in groups of at least 5. They are not fussy eaters and will eat most foods; the healthiest option for them would be lots of worms, insets and crustaceans to mimic their natural diet, Danios are also known to jump so you may want to keep your tank covered! Platies Sunburst Platy Sunburst Platy Platies come in almost every color imaginable and they are very easy to care for – just two of the reasons why they are so popular. They are a great community fish, they’re very peaceful and get along well with guppies and mollies. Killifish The Blue Lyretail KillifishSave The Blue Lyretail Killifish Killifish come in a wide variety of bright colors. Killifish are very easy to breed, and are either annual or non-annual breeders. Male Bettas are notoriously aggressive towards other males. Therefore only one male Betta should be kept in each aquarium. They can be housed with other peaceful fish. Bettas require an omnivorous diet, of both plant and animal foods. Angelfish Angelfish Angelfish are a member of the Cichlid family, which also includes Discus, Oscars and Parrot fish, all common fish amongst aquarium keepers. They are omnivorous, so will need a balanced diet of meat and plant food. There are many different types of angelfish. Their tank should be at least 20 gallons, and the water should be slightly soft and acidic. As they mature, they can become aggressive, especially if your tank in overcrowded. In general though, they are a good community fish, just don’t keep them with very small fish or fin-nipping species. Goldfish GoldfishSave When most people think of Goldfish, they think of small fish bowls with a fish that was won at the fair. This is not the correct way to house goldfish. The minimum tank size for a goldfish is 20 gallons, you’ll also need a filter and to perform 10-15% weekly water changes. There are many different varieties of goldfish, and its fine to mix them as long as they aren’t breeds that would compete with each other for food. For example, keep single tailed varieties together and normal eyed goldfish together. Rainbowfish Boeseman’s RainbowfishSave Boeseman’s Rainbowfish Rainbowfish originate from Australia and Southeast Asia. They are a peaceful schooling fish that can grow up to 6 inches long. #Top5fishes #top5aquariumfishes #freshwateraquariumfishes #SmallAquariumfishes #MiniAquariumfishes #Fishlife #Urduandhindi #Aquariumfishcaretips ==================FOLLOW ME==================

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